December 08, 2004

Another nudge towards Madness

Aggggh! Day 8 of having to go to Velocity Cafe, which is around the corner from my pad, to use their internet connection, cause Adelphia can't get their friggin act together!

The scoop: I made an appointment with them to fix my DSL connexion on the 3rd. Back entrance to cable box was locked and I had no combination to open it. The tech dude was afraid of getting hurt by jumping out my kitchen window to get to it (Im on the ground floor and have jumped through my window many many times when locking myself out) so I had to reschedule. He claimed that if he got hurt he would have to sue me, so rather than subject myself to deliberate sabotage, I told him to leave. Schmuck...

Once gone, I rescheduled for today, the 8th, and guess what? Noone friggin' showed up! Naturally, I called Adelphia and bitched them out, and they said that my appointment was 'closed' as of the 3rd. Im like "whaaaat?!"

Why am I boring you with all this?! In short, Im pissed off, and there's nothing I can do until Saturday morning, and the $30 Adelphia's credited my account for won't assuage my frustrations, and here I am wishing my gal pal didn't live all the way in Hollywood, so I wouldn't have to drive so far to get my fix.

Never ever get an account with Adelphia!

On a lighter note, I am actually getting some comments posted on my blog. Keep em comin'!

Will write more later.


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