February 18, 2005

Mooncast Desert

I spent another night in the desert. This time on a more quiet scale. No music, just human voices, laughing and talking, debating and by the end of the night yawning.

It was a dinner I had attended a la bedoun style. Once again with my side-kick Desert Girl we headed into no man's land.

I walked out into the darkness, away from the getoun tent and neon lights, taking in the stillness of the land with the cresent shaped moon casting its white, ghostly light on the sand. The milky way along with big and little dipper were all visible. It was breathtaking and quite humbling. In such silence and vastness one defintely feels small, yet bigger, in the sense that a direct connection is being established with those that have been around for a multitude of milleniums.

I would love to spend the night out in the open desert, by myself.

February 15, 2005

V-Day Survival tips for the single man-woman:

there are only two really and that is to surround yourself with FRIENDS. The other one would be a mantra that goes something like this:
"There's no such thing as V-Day and all the red I see is a result of burst ocular capillaries"

Mostly, I worked my heiney off. Overtimed during lunch (again today), and after business hours.

Last night I went over to Desert Girl's pad for the 'Pathetic Losers Valentine's Day Dinner', as she so aptly puts it. Let's see... we were 5. Myself, DG, El 'Surfin' Mexicano, Nazareth, and 'Con Air'. Great spread. Loved the BBQ'd salmon and all but I just could not get over the fact that she had the audacity to serve us hard, over-cooked plantains (koff! koff!) But we were polite guests and made a brave attempt to show her that we loved her 'chips'. Slathering them in plenty of sour cream and mango chutney before ingesting them did help some.

I DID get some presents for V-Day; got some chocolates from El Mexicano and some chocolates from DG and some chocolates from Lilli and nothing else from Nazareth and Con Air. Sheesh!

But it's all good, cause I did not get anyone anything! [obnoxious laugh]

So lately, I have to admit, it seems that most of the people in my close circle of friends are getting 'lucky' one way or the other this Valentine's but myself. Naturally so, as I am still the New Kid On The Block, however, I figure that I've 'dodged a bullet' on some level by not having found someone, so I will sit back and watch all the others in this "feature-length movie".

Make that extra butter on my pop-corn please! (mental note: MUST check out the gym!)

February 12, 2005

Compotatio Dedicare å Desert Girl

This blog addition is dedicated to Desert Girl since she's so insistent that I write about the party we went to.

I ended up being taken out by Desert Girl, along with El Mexicano, to a villa that housed a few pink flamingos, ducks and a white and black llama. Who needs Kuwait zoo when you got it in your back yard?! I got my hand nuzzled by the llama and was thankful that I did not get spit on.

A few juice boxes and chocolate bars later we headed into the desert, taking a quick stop for some real food along the way.

We drove off into No-Man's Land, bumping up and down in the rental car. El Mexicano and I were wide-eyed at how Mad Max-ish the camps looked at night. It was VERY surreal. "Tribal" as El Mexicano put it.

Huge getoun tent with lots of seating. Good music, nice non-sleazy crowd of people [ergo: no hoochie mamas, except for 1], mostly foreigners and an open bar of which i drank tonic water with lime the entire night. There was also a BBQ outside with really tasty saj sandwiches being made.

One of the people who came with us was this very tall european woman that danced like a wind up doll all night. Amusing, and admirable I thought. She was in her element and was care-free.

Then came Tiger [with the sticky paws], as I shall refer to him, asking me to dance, he looked harmless so I did. He was somehat amorous and clearly inebriated and so expressibly taken with me. Beer bottle goggles? I think I'll keep him as just a business contact, my heart belongs with Mystery [to you] man.

Leaving the camp, we followed Tiger's car out and left him by some huge muddy puddle, driving instead the other way so as not to end up getting stuck. As we hit the freeway home, we spotted what we believed to be Tiger driving around in circles, literally. We had a good laugh over it.

Following day: brunch with El Mexicano, Desert Girl, Lucille Ball and a couple of other Americans.

Man, it was cold this weekend!!!

February 10, 2005


Yup. Back with a vengeance.

So the other day I'm riding with 3 of my co-workers on our way to marina's food court for lunch and we passed by StarCraps next to Azhar Center, you know, the one with the outdoor seating. I spotted a blue Harley parked out front of it so I poked my head out the window and yelled "Aaaaaaaw! It's The Donnnn!!!" I checked to see if some guy's head looked up. Better luck next time!

Again I have not had the time to spew forth concise thoughts onto my blog at work, being that I am constantly interrupted to make changes on ads, so here I sit at my aunt's house, writing to you through dial up speed (grunt). It's torrrturrre! 7 yrs on DSL only to spend 2 weeks on dialup from 'home'.

There's been a mysterious smoker in the exit stairwell of my office building, and I have been adamant about catching him/her. I keep smelling this nasty odour creeping through our entire floor and I immediately jump up from my design station and run to check all the stairwells, slamming the doors open and yelling "NO SMOKING PLEASE! MAMNOU3 Al-TADKHEEN!" (did I say that right?)

Today was 1/2 day at work. I am still trying to absorb the fact that there is a 6th day of work in my life. Desert Girl picked me up for sushi followed by an ammmazing hot chocolate in the tea lounge downstairs.

I -ALMOST- partied this week! Never quite went through. The man who stole my heart (cannot tell you who he is, so don't even try to get it out of me), was supposed to take me and El Mexicano to a party but instead ended up flying out of Kuwait and wont be seen till Summer (sniffle). Desert Girl, you know what you mission is now.

Damn! I can't wait to get my driver's license!