February 18, 2005

Mooncast Desert

I spent another night in the desert. This time on a more quiet scale. No music, just human voices, laughing and talking, debating and by the end of the night yawning.

It was a dinner I had attended a la bedoun style. Once again with my side-kick Desert Girl we headed into no man's land.

I walked out into the darkness, away from the getoun tent and neon lights, taking in the stillness of the land with the cresent shaped moon casting its white, ghostly light on the sand. The milky way along with big and little dipper were all visible. It was breathtaking and quite humbling. In such silence and vastness one defintely feels small, yet bigger, in the sense that a direct connection is being established with those that have been around for a multitude of milleniums.

I would love to spend the night out in the open desert, by myself.


Blogger Gigi said...

Yes, the desert can have that effect on a person. Your words effectively captured the calmness and self-reflection that such locales can infuse us with. Sometimes I am overpowered by it.

Gigi, humbly

February 18, 2005 4:52 AM  
Blogger Desert Girl said...

Oh "would have liked to spend the night alone..." does that mean that you didn't like the company??? Huh? Huh? :)

Just wait till I take you up North. Then we can hunt gerbils under the moon and you will really feel humble. You never feel truly humble until you see your first dhub anyways. Bring onions - we'll catch one of them too!


February 18, 2005 11:44 PM  
Blogger Ra-1 said...

I think I saw u on Thursday ;)
not in the desert! in jam3eyat Mishref :p

February 19, 2005 12:12 AM  
Blogger Truth Seeker said...

Mishref??! Hmmm I don't think so...

February 19, 2005 12:39 AM  
Blogger Flamingoliya said...

welcome here!! i know it's late but i just noticed.

February 21, 2005 10:15 PM  
Blogger Desert Girl said...

When are you going to get off your lazy azz and post something NEW to your blog?

I think I remember you from Latino cafe...

March 02, 2005 3:35 AM  

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