January 30, 2005

A Good day for Shooting...

My faithful fans! [wink]

It's been a while since yours truly's blogged, I just have NOT had the time. What with my new job and having had to immerse myself into my new reality, as well as trying to overcome jetlag I've been anxious to get back into blogging.

Update in random order:

I've hooked up with Desert Girl and have been having a blast with her. She's exhiliratingly funny, and knows how to show a newcomer a good time. She took me out for my birthday to a Chinese restaurant called Green, or Green's. Also hooked up with Tata Bogata, who txtmsg'ed me a birthday msg ( I keep calling him Tata Botata) hehehee. He's a man with a really sweet disposition, and any girl would be lucky to have him... but y'all have to go through me first;-) I am my brother's keeper.

Got to work, police shoot out with "terrorists". Interesting. We kept running to the balcony in hopes of some action. In vain.
Desert Girl called me warning me not to step outside the building I work in, which is in Salmyah. Due to terroristic activities, I cancelled my lunch outing with Tata and instead had lunch with the girls downstairs. There was a good-looking 'Lebanese' that I eyeballed.

So far, I like my coworkers. Especially my designer counterpart:-) I try to remain away from office politics, while still keeping my finger on the pulse.

Sigh.. I'm stuffed again. Tomorrow I'm checking out the gym, can't tell you where, I do not want paparazzi to follow me there.

Back to work for now. I have an annual report to design.


January 23, 2005

24 hours later

Let the harassements begin! Ehhh oui! I got harassed over in Salmyah this afternoon.

This morning I was up at 4:30AM, still adjusting jetlag-wise, so by 8AM I headed over to Jean's resto in Sultan Center in the "new-place-built-on-the-sea".

It had a nice view of the Gulf road...

I later met up with a friend and headed over to buy some makeup at this shopping center, where? i dunno! the name? don't even ask!

In the afternoon I headed over to Salmyah for a preliminary meeting of my co-workers and everyone and everything was nice. I begin tomorrow, at 8AM! I have never, ever started working at 8 in my life. All my jobs have always been at 10AM

Salmyah was jumping today with Barney and his "girlfriend". I spotted a couple of harley bikers exiting Marina Mall, and I wondered if The Don may have been one of them:-) Yes, now that I am here, I wonder about all you bloggers...

I met up with my Russian trainer and we caught up on old times. I start working out with him tomorrow as well.

NEW DAY TOMORROW! Full of new beginnings! Would you like to be a part of it?

I'm so knackered now... it's 6:34PM and my eyes are starting to feel heavy... but i have yet another appointment! Sigh.. when will this day end so I can get more sleeeeeeep!

Me = cranky-ass.


January 21, 2005

In Transit

I sit here with heavy eyelids and a trio of kuwaiti men about 20 ft away from me. I have arrived in London and am sipping on a caffeinated beverage to stay awake long enough to squeeze a few words into this blog.

So, I've been getting these stares from the local British Desi (Indo-Pak) airport employees, I am thinking they likes what I am wearing but are not commenting? Well one did. When I stepped off the plane at Heathrow, she was part of security outside and eyeballed my Indian Banjara scarf "Oo! I like that!" She said as she gestured with her hands, imitating a scarf.

I have a 10 hour delay in London and I wish I could call my best friend and have him spend it with me! I have not seen T-man since he came out to LA to visit me 3 yrs ago... sigh. Then there's The Doctor, my childhood bestfriend who is a geneticist. But she's all the way in Cardiff (Wales) and my rolodex with her # is somewhere in cargo. Just wasn't meant to be!

So, I am trying to replay the last 24 hours in my mind... What stands out most was when I had thrown big black garbage bags full of stuff into the back alley and a homeless bum named Travis came by and began rummaging through them. As I was stuffing my suitcases in my car, I greeted him and we got to chatting for a bit. He got excited when he came across a bunch of dollar bills all rolled up together. It amounted to $15 and he was thrilled and said "This is the best day ever!"

He told me he was going to go buy some beer with the money and I gave him a slightly sour look, to which he quickly retorted with a "I kidding! I'm kidding! I don't drink". I believed him.

My rental car key got stuck in the crack of the trunk and Travis quickly handed me a piece of metal wire to fish it out. I got it. "We were destined to meet, Lulu! I am going to remember you" he exclaimed. He got onto his bike and slowly peddled away wishing me a safe trip.

Santa Monica beach bums are some of the friendliest people you will meet. If you ever see one, just say hello.

I spent the night at T's place. She gave me her bed while insisting that she takes the sofa. I was too tired to argue, despite my guilt, so the next day I treated her to a lunch and we shopped at Aveda so I could stock up on supplies that I know I will not find in Kuwait. Girls, is there a Sephora in Kuwait?

Somewhere over Canada I began sobbing when the realisation of my change of life was sinking in. Everything and everyone I know is left behind for something new. Fear of the unknown? Maybe... however, I feel I am doing Allah's will by moving. Everything I had done to not move did not work, and amazingly everything I did to move went along quickly and smoothly... so go figure.

I've bought myself a black silk tie for work while I strolled around the duty free area. I'm really tired, so I think I am going to catch some zzz's in the "Serenity Lounge".

See you in Kuwait.

January 19, 2005


So, I thought I would post a long, overdue update on yours truly.

This last week has defintely been a trying phase of my life. I have not had much time to be melancholic about leaving LA and the life I have established for myself here.

Last night I was taken out to dinner by my friends to Cafe Habibi, on Broxton, in UCLA village. MLK holiday, so things were swinging. I had a good time, and shared some outrages with Kamran, the crazy screenwriter who always gets attacked by the "Westwood Blackbird".

Bolivian filmmaker, as well as "White Desi boy" were there, as well as the Crazy Libyan who brought Jorge, another Bolivian who is contemplating a conversion to Islam (2 yrs and waiting...).

We came across a Jews for Jesus center while on a "digestive walk" and shot some photos of that. I will have them up shortly.

Aside from that, all I have left in my apartment is my bed which will be taken tomorrow, as well as all the freebies in boxes I am practically giving away.

Oh, and the reason for my expeditious move; I've been offered a job in Kuwait:)

January 10, 2005


click to enlarge:

Forget the swastika, anyone seen this man in Kuwait?

January 08, 2005

Santa Monica and Venice Beach @ Night

I took some photos of certain places I have frequented in Santa Monica and Venice Beach [with exception to the Rest Haven, which is across the street from where I live], however they were taken super late on a weeknight when most people were off the streets, aside from nightowls like myself.

More [daytime] photos to come:-)

to view the rest of the images, click here

January 07, 2005

An Ominous Warning

I received this in my email, and have checked the link at the bottom. Amazon users have had some interesting things to say for and against this book. I myself am against it. I find it somewhat amusing, if not slightly offensive that its printed by "WinePress" printing press. What I would really like to know is if it is true that this book is being circulated amongst Kuwait's private english school students. I hope not, but if it is, I hope something is being done to bring the truth of this book's nature to light.

Overall, say what they may like about the Quran. I do not believe that the Quran needs anyone to defend it, because regardless if we do or don't, it stands on its own.


Subject: beware of the fake book

The new American Quran: a dangerous trick

A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait, titled "The True Furqan".

It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled 'The 21st Century Quran'!

It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English languages...it is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools!

The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer version of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits. And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornification, divorce being non-permissable and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala! All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3.

Brothers and Sisters pleae make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick. Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.

DONT BELIEVE IT? .... click here

January 01, 2005

Happy 'Gregorian' New Year!

My wish for everyone this year is to come closer to finding themselves and their goals, and may this year be better than the last!

I hope for the following:
-a smooth transition into Kuwait.
-make friends who will bring me up and not down
-to be a positive force to myself and those around me
-to keep living large
-that Zouina will have a good life wherever she is.
-iraqis will continue to kick ass
-a closer, more united Ummah.

santa monica beach